If you have been injured in an auto accident in the Woodland Hills community of Los Angeles  and are looking for a personal injury attorney or car accident lawyer who will give personalized attention to your case, call a Woodland Hills car accident attorney after an auto accident today to schedule a free, pressure free consultation.

Accidents in Woodland Hills CA

We hope that you and your loved ones never experience car accidents and never need our services; however, if you have been injured in a car accident, you will soon find out that the insurance company’s priority is profit.

In addition to being local attorneys who provide personalized attention to car accidents, we also fight to obtain the maximum compensation possible for every injury, including current and future medical expenses and more.

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Man with his hand on the steering wheel while driving a carSomeone’s negligence or reckless driving is often the cause of car accidents in Woodland Hills, California.

Negligence could be anything from texting to an under-inflated tire to unsafe loading of a big rig’s load. Reckless driving could be anything from an impaired motorist to speeding through stop signs to street racing. Regardless, accidents often result in injuries and most accident victims seek help from a skilled car accident attorney, especially if a serious injury or traumatic injury has occurred.

Types of auto accidents in Woodland Hills (2011)

  • Fatal accident count: 1
  • Vehicles involved in fatal accidents: 4
  • Fatal accidents involving drunken persons: 0
  • Fatalities: 6
  • Pedestrians involved in fatal accidents: 0

Roadways in Woodland Hills where reckless or distracted driving car accident cases may occur:

The Ventura Freeway (US Route 101) runs East/West here. Other highly trafficked roadways include Highway 27, DeSoto Avenue, and Victory Boulevard.

Below is a tragic accident which took place in Woodland Hills:

1 Dead, Several Hurt In 101 Freeway Crash In Woodland Hills

Remember, some car accident lawyers aren’t in tune with local and state law regarding your case. The car accident attorneys at the Law Office of Steers & Associates can help with personal injury claims of this nature. After a motor vehicle collision in Woodland Hills, turn to our team for anything you need regarding personal injury claims. The first step is scheduling a free consultation.

What Causes Car Accidents In Woodland Hills?

Car accidents can be caused by various factors, including:

  • Distracted driving: Activities such as texting, talking on the phone, eating, or using navigation systems divert a driver’s attention from the road.
  • Speeding: Driving above the posted speed limit reduces the driver’s ability to react to hazards and increases the severity of accidents.
  • Driving under the influence: Alcohol and drugs impair a driver’s judgment, coordination, and reaction time, leading to a higher risk of accidents.
  • Reckless driving: Aggressive behaviors such as tailgating, weaving in and out of traffic, or disregarding traffic signals increase the likelihood of collisions.
  • Weather conditions: Rain, snow, fog, or ice can create slippery road surfaces and reduce visibility, contributing to accidents.
  • Fatigue: Driving while tired can impair a driver’s alertness and reaction time, increasing the risk of accidents.
  • Vehicle defects: Mechanical failures such as brake failure, tire blowouts, or faulty steering systems can lead to accidents.
  • Poor road conditions: Potholes, uneven surfaces, lack of proper signage, or inadequate lighting can contribute to accidents.

Understanding these common causes can help drivers take precautions to prevent accidents. In Woodland Hills, there may even be an increased risk of danger, as California traffic is notorious for being dangerous.

Many California drivers speed on highways or drive distracted, so be sure to take extreme caution as you use your vehicle around town. And, remember, if the unfortunate event does occur and you experience a crash, our lawyers are here to help.

Truck Accidents in Woodland Hills

Many things may cause truck accidents: negligence, fatigue, blown-out tires, faulty maintenance, distracted driving, weather or drug and alcohol abuse. The injuries are likely to be much worse given the size and weight of big rigs, which travel through the area on the Ventura Freeway. If you have been injured and a truck was involved you may be eligible for compensation. Turn to a lawyer in Woodland Hills for help.Car with a completely broken front bumper

Bus Accidents In Woodland Hills

Bus accidents can be particularly dangerous because buses are designed to carry lots of people, and not all have seat belts. Additionally, since buses carry so many people, minimal weight is a critical design element. And since they are large, bulky vehicles with large blind spots, accidents can unfortunately occur.

Some bus companies use private insurance companies, and these companies have many resources available to defend themselves against a bus crash or accident in Woodland Hills. As is the case with all vehicles, negligence or distracted driving may unfortunately play a role.

Types of bus accidents:

  • School bus crashes
  • Bus/pedestrian accidents
  • Car/truck collisions with a bus

Bus services in Woodland Hills include but are not limited to:

  • Hollywood Bote Bus
  • 4 Quality Paratransit
  • EZ Transit
  • Concord Express

Bicycle Accidents

In Woodland Hills, adolescents 15-24 and adults over 45 are most likely to be killed on a bike. Men are injured more often than women, and this occasionally results in fractured bones, brain injuries, and even death.

What to do if you’ve been in an accident in Woodland Hills:

Get Medical Attention

The most immediate concern is your safety and well-being. Were you injured? Do you need medical assistance? Does anyone else? Getting medical attention immediately after car accidents is crucial for several reasons. First, some injuries, such as whiplash or internal trauma, may not present symptoms right away but could be severe.

Car accident lawyers recommend seeing a doctor right away. Prompt medical evaluation can detect these injuries early, leading to better treatment outcomes. Second, medical documentation of injuries is essential for insurance claims or potential legal proceedings. Delaying medical attention could raise doubts about the severity or cause of injuries, potentially affecting your ability to seek compensation.

Lastly, seeking medical care demonstrates a commitment to your health and well-being, prioritizing recovery and reducing the risk of long-term complications from untreated injuries.

Call 911 for Any Urgent Medical Needs and to Report the Accident

From rear end collisions to more serious accidents, many different types of injuries are possible, even after a minor crash. Report all injuries to the authorities; even minor injuries can develop into more serious ones if unaddressed over time. Next, call a car accident lawyer.

Contact a Lawyer

Contact a personal injury attorney after a car accident. If you’re affected in any way, and you’ll have medical bills to deal with or suffer from lost wages, you deserve a chance at getting the maximum compensation you need to recover.

Only a car accident lawyer can help. A skilled attorney best handles car accident cases. The legal representation from the Law Offices of Steers and Associates is highly-reviewed, and dedicated to provide the support you need during this tough time.

Collect Evidence

After a car accident, you should immediately get medical attention and call an accident attorney. Your car accident lawyer will walk you through what to do next. Personal injury cases are built upon evidence, so you should collect evidence next. Gather names, contact details, and insurance information from all involved parties.

Take photos of vehicle damage and the accident scene, noting road conditions. Obtain witness statements and keep records of medical treatment and expenses for injury documentation. The strength of your auto accident case will rely, in part, on the evidence you collect. As a reminder, your car accident lawyer can help you with this crucial step.

Woman giving the attorney his schedule for the dayFrequently Asked Questions

What Type Of Compensation Might I Receive From A Car Accident In Woodland Hills?

With a successful car accident claim, you may be entitled to various forms of compensation. Talk to a Woodland Hills car accident attorney to know the specifics, but compensation may include:

  • Reimbursement for medical care and medical expenses such as hospital bills, rehabilitation costs, and ongoing treatment. Gather evidence, such as your hospital bills and medical records, to share with your legal representation.
  • Compensation for lost wages due to time taken off work for recovery or any resulting permanent disability. Your legal team will ensure that, if medical treatment keeps you out of work, you’re fairly compensated in a timely manner.
  • Coverage for property damage, including repairs to your vehicle or the value of the vehicle if a total loss. An accident lawyer in Woodland Hills can even help you fight for compensation for other damaged goods, such as a laptop, smartphone or personal, even sentimental items.
  • Compensation for non-economic damages. Non-economic damages include pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life. The liable party should be held responsible for depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress. Discuss the specifics of your Woodland Hills car accident with your legal team to see what you may be eligible to receive.

Why Do I Need To Hire A Lawyer After A Woodland Hills Car Accident?

In order to receive the maximum compensation possible after a Woodland Hills car accident, you need a skilled car accident attorney to help you fight back against the liable party. Not all car accident attorneys in California are experienced in this specific practice area of law.

Some car accident lawyers are only concerned with getting your claim over as soon as possible. Our law firm is committed to making sure you get the maximum compensation after your car accident. At the Law Offices of Steers & Associates, your car accident attorney will take the time to listen to the details of your car accident, providing sound advice and actionable next steps at every turn.

Personal injury cases can be difficult to handle on your own, especially while medical bills pile up, and you may be fighting a serious injury.

Turn to our law firm if you’re suffering neck injuries, head injuries, pain and suffering, or any other symptom after a Woodland Hills car accident. Insurance claims can be difficult to settle on your own as well, so get legal help for the most favorable outcomes. Contact our law firm for a free consultation today regarding your injuries, property damage, and non-economic damages.

Seeking guidance from an experienced personal injury attorney can help ensure you receive the full compensation you deserve.

Can I Seek Compensation For The Loss Of A Loved One Who Passed Away In A Woodland Hills Car Accident?

Some car accidents end in neck injuries, head injuries, concussions or even minor scrapes and bruises. In the worst possible scenario, people can pass away from car crashes. When this happens, the at-fault party must be held responsible. We’ll stop at nothing to secure a favorable outcome for your and your family.

Wrongful death personal injury settlements provide compensation to surviving family members for the loss of a loved one due to another party’s negligence or misconduct. These settlements are based on damages incurred by surviving family members for the loss of the deceased loved one’s love, companionship, comfort, care, assistance, protection, affection, society, moral support, advice, guidance and training.

The settlement amount is often negotiated between the involved parties, with the assistance of legal representation, to ensure fair compensation is obtained. In cases where an agreement cannot be reached, litigation may be pursued to resolve the matter in court. Ultimately, wrongful death settlements strive to provide damages and justice to those left behind due to the tragic loss of a family member. Your well-being throughout this time is important to us, just as important as securing a favorable outcome.

Handling car accident cases in which someone suffered a wrongful death is no easy task. For your wrongful death accident claim, you need a legal team that provides skill, expertise–and compassion. As your dedicated lawyers in Woodland Hills, our team will provide support at every step, ensuring the at-fault party is held responsible.

Woodland Hills Resources

Schedule a free consultation with a Woodland Hills car accident lawyer today.