Have you ever tripped on a tree root sticking up through a crack in the sidewalk? We all walk on sidewalks all the time, but they can be dangerous places, and part of that is because we trust that things will be fine—after all, it’s made for walking.

A fall injury can be severe and even cause death, and most of the time they are avoidable. This is why the law puts a duty on the owner or manager of the sidewalk to keep them reasonably free from dangerous hazards.

California Sidewalk Liability Law

Every retail outlet has a duty to keep its premises safe for those coming onto their property which often includes the sidewalk in front of their store. California law recognizes a hazard being created in two ways:

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  1. The owner created the hazard through negligent maintenance or other means, or
  2. The owner knew, or should have known of a hazard and did nothing (or did something inadequate) to fix the condition.

If the owner caused the problem by faulty or negligent repair, or they knew of the hazard and did nothing, then anyone hurt as a result will have a claim against the owner for negligence.

Defenses to a Negligent Security

If the sidewalk owner can prove they didn’t create the hazard, or that the attempted to fix the hazard in a reasonable time, they might be able to escape liability. The key here is reasonable. How much time is reasonable? The law doesn’t specify, it just looks at what a typical, prudent landowner would do under the same or similar circumstances.

Sidewalk Injuries

Any fall can produce serious injuries, especially to the elderly or those in poor health to begin with. Sidewalks are made for walking on, so most people don’t scrutinize every step of the sidewalk, rather they trust that they will be reasonably safe when walking.

Some of the common injuries that can happen from a sidewalk fall are:

  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Broken Wrists
  • Shattered Kneecaps
  • Broken Hip
  • Broken Collarbone
  • Twisted Ankle
  • Road Rash

Call a Premises Liability Attorney Today

The best thing to do when injured in a commercial truck accident is to talk to Premises Liability Attorney. Even if you don’t hire one, you owe it to yourself to be advised of the law by an impartial professional. Then if you decide to get representation, then choose someone who is experienced and understands the law.

Call the Law Offices of Steers & Associates at 800 824 5416 or click here to contact us online. We have attorneys with years of experience dealing with every type of motor vehicle accident, and we get results against the insurance companies and their highly-paid lawyers. Call us now to even the playing field and get the compensation you deserve.

