If you were injured in an accident involving a Lyft vehicle, you might receive an accident form in the mail. Lyft will want you to complete, sign and return the form. We really don’t recommend that you do that and first speak to our Los Angeles Lyft Accident Lawyer.

Your Injuries

Depending on which one of its forms that Lyft uses, it’s likely to ask you for a description of your injuries. In many cases it’s impossible for you to detail the nature and extent of your injuries a mere week or so after an accident. All of the diagnostics have yet to be performed. Severe shoulder pain might be a result of a torn rotator cuff, but it’s probably going to be a month to six weeks before a rotator cuff tear is confirmed through radiological diagnostics. You don’t want to rely on speculation and conjecture. You’ll open yourself up to an attack on your credibility.

Describe How the Accident Happened
The form will most certainly ask for your written description of how the accident occurred. Why would Lyft’s insurance adjuster ask for a description of how the accident occurred when he or she has a copy of the police accident report in your file? That person already knows how it occurred. He or she just wants to see if you offer a different version than what you gave to the police. If you do, expect another attack on your credibility.

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Don’t Give a Recorded Statement Either
There’s no law requiring you to complete any kind of a claim form. You’d only be helping Lyft and its insurer prepare their defense against your claim. You’re not under any obligation to give any of those people a recorded statement either. Our recommendation is to politely refuse to provide any kind of a statement at all. Instead, call us, and we can arrange for a free consultation and case evaluation. Anything that you say to us is privileged and confidential.

Contact us for a Free Consultation

You don’t want to give Lyft or its insurer any degree of control by giving up valuable rights. They’ll only exercise that control over your claim. You’re the victim. Don’t help Lyft prepare its defense against you. There’s no reason not to contact us right after being injured in any accident. We’ll answer your questions and advise you of all of your legal options. If we enter into a retainer agreement with you, no legal fees are even due unless we enter into a settlement or obtain a verdict on your behalf. Rather than give up rights, invoke them, and talk with us right away after being injured in any Lyft accident.
