The every-progressing motor vehicle industry has been making giant strides in regards to implementing modern technology into their latest and most popular car models. In only a few years, built in GPS navigation is going to make way for completely self driving vehicles. Cars that don’t rely on fossil fuels are also readily available, which is wonderful news for the environment. The US government is even throwing it’s weight behind these cars, helping to get at least one million electric cars on the road by the end of the year.

But new technology always has to work out a few issues in the beginning, and sometimes things can go wrong in the mean time. Electric vehicles have very large lithium-ion batteries inside them, which can fail if damaged in an accident and burst into flames, injuring anyone inside or near by the vehicle.

In once instance, a Chevrolet Volt was used in a safety crash test in order to determine the level of protection it provides its passengers. It was left unattended in a wreck yard for several weeks, when the battery spontaneously caught fire, engulfing the entire car in flames. This is only one type of safety hazard not typical for cars with standard combustion engines.

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Not only is the lithium that these batteries are comprised of incredibly flammable, but it burns at a very high temperature, nearly 450C, or 840F. Lithium is highly reactive when exposed to even the smallest amount of water. The normal humidity in the air we all breath is enough to start a very dangerous and violent fire.

Electric car batteries are designed to be as tough as possible, so that these types of fires don’t happen, but no safety measure works 100% of the time. Those unfortunate enough to be included in the small minority where the safety measures fail deserve legal representation that can help them get compensation from those responsible.

If you or a loved one have been injured in a fire related to electric cars, it’s possible you have a claim against the car makers and battery manufacturers. Contact us today for a free consultation. We will do what it takes to fight for your rights and make sure that you’re medical bills, lost wages due to injury, and pain and suffering are properly compensated for.

