If you or a loved one has been involved in a bicycle accident in Los Angeles please contact us today for a free consultation.

Bicycle Accidents at Los Angeles Intersections

According to LAPD there are approximately 2,000 bike accidents annually in Los Angeles.

Here is an interesting map which shows many of the accidents. Each dot is an accident.

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bike accident image

Image credit and interactive map available here.

When a bicycle and a car have a collision, almost half of the time it is at an intersection.  As you can see by the map, some of the more common intersections are along roads such as Main Street, Olympic Ave, Venice Ave and Sunset Ave.

Intersections with stop signs

One of the most frequent types of intersection accidents involves stop signs. In some cases the cyclist is actually at fault for pulling out in to traffic when the vehicle that hits them has the right of way. However, even in these situations the driver of the automobile may be at fault if they contributed to the accident.

In other cases the cyclist has the right of way and a car, truck of SUV hits a cyclist who has the right of way. Unfortunately, some drivers neglect the cyclists right of way simply because they are not worried about a bicycle while they’re in their 400lb car or just because they failed to pay attention to the rules of the road.

Left Cross Accidents

Another frequent bicycle accident in LA is “left cross” accidents. These occur when a bicycle and a car enter an intersection from opposite sides and are both turning left. The automobile is typically at fault here as the driver often misjudges the cyclists distance from their vehicle.

Right Turn Accidents

In these accidents the motorist is usually at fault. In many cases the motorist does not notice a bike on their right as they take a right turn, or, they try to pass the biker before turning right.

For more information on bike accidents please see our bicycle accident page.

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